shipsyst.jpg (2662 bytes)

Engineering is the very heart of the ship. Here is where the ship is run. All the important systems can be operated here. To access things like power conduits crew members must crawl through Jeffrey Tubes or long tunnels that run through the entire ship. These were designed for simple access but are actually very uncomfortable because you have to crawl on your hands and knees. Jaguar has these tubes. They are also very helpful for evacuations or in the event the ship is boarded crew members can use them to get to secure areas.

comm-div.gif (1625 bytes)

Chief Engineer: Nimsy
My subspace communications address is

Lieut.gif (1440 bytes)Assistand Engineer: Anthony Dynon
My subspace communications address is

Commandr.gif (1672 bytes) Engineer: Tiger Glen
My subspace communications address is:

jrlt.gif (1416 bytes) Engineer: Jeff Martin
My subspace communications address is

Ensig.gif (1196 bytes)Engineer: Richard
My subspace communications address is

comm-div.gif (1625 bytes)

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